Tuesday, October 01, 2024

How to Find Your Resonant (?) Frequency

 In 2011, a skyscraper in South Korea began to shake uncontrollably without warning and was immediately evacuated. The actual cause, emerging later, seems unlikely except to engineers and sound workers. Twenty three middle aged people were doing their Tae Bo fitness class routine on the 12th floor. Their steps had inadvertently matched the building's resonant frequency which caused the building to shake at an alarming rate for 10 minutes! [Mainwaring, R. (2023)]

Every thing has a resonant frequency: rocks, buildings, trees, livers, vitamins, bedbugs…every thing, including you. That frequency is the one which will destabilize the entity. This is NOT the frequency you want to personally find!

The ‘natural’ frequency of an object, however, is the frequency of the object, and if it is given to you, you will be nourished. And when the natural frequency is maintained, health and stability is in order. 

In larger organisms, like an animal or human, the natural frequency is a composite of many many frequencies that constitute the living form. Think of all the organs in a human, each having their own natural frequency.  All of these natural frequencies are constantly in flux within limited parameters. Temperature, toxins, food/fuel, weather, emotions, pathogens are just a few influencers.

Our planet is based on the law of evolvement, each entity and species changing for the better .So it is hoped that every unique natural frequency is at least maintained and optimally strengthened or even increased in a lifetime. It depends on how well the entity defends against those influences that would lower the frequency.

THe best bottom line defense for humans? The poets, balladeers, Beatles were right: Love, love, love…. all we need is love, love, love….

the fertilizer to assist in our growth and raising our natural frequency. 

HOW To FIND your Natural Frequency

Many mystics, great teachers, those working in sound have found our natural frequency is tied into our birth date and therefore termed our ‘birth note’. This natural frequency is determined by our essence evolvement level, the influence of planets and constellations at the time of birth, and our individual mission. 

All heavenly bodies have a natural frequency and are constantly radiating that composite ‘note’ out into the universe alongside their gravitational pulls.* [think of the influence of the moon on our tides]. THe moment we are born, our planet is being showered with the frequencies of numerous heavenly bodies. Ancient astrologers were aware of these influences and formulated charts which came to be known as the Zodiac. When you are born, the energies of those planets and constellations will have resonance with you for this lifetime, especially each year on your birthday when you get a 'recharge' as the earth realigns to these heavenly bodies.

If you wish to know your birth note, it will be found in the zodiac chart starting with 

the note A for Capricorn and progressing: A# Aquarius, B Pices, C Aries, C# Taurus, D Gemeni, D# Cancer, E Leo, F Virgo, F# Libra, G Scorpio, G# Sagittarius.

Next step is to FEEL your frequency.


Use a  pitch pipe, tone generator, or Tuning App to get your pitch. 

Sing it or hum it; let it resonate in your body. 

Imagine your tone filling all the crevices of your body.

Do this for at least 3 minutes

Try using different sounds like:  ma, may, me, mo, mu

And then, FREQUENT  that sound, use it daily.

And then, FREQUENT  that sound.  Resonate yourself for 3 minutes 3x/day.

You can also find music in your birth note key and play that often. 

It is more effective, though, if you actually produce the sound and get your body resonating.

When you sing or hum you resonate your cells  so  some of the changes that occur in your body are: 

  deepening your respiration

  changes in your brain waves to slower

  changes in the rate of cerebral spinal fluid

  changes in the pineal gland

  changes in cranial bones

TUNE UP, and UP and UP!!!!.................

In the 1980's the Voyager spacecrafts actually recorded the sounds of the planets as they passed by them, including Earth. Sound therapist and researcher Jeffery Thompson put together an album: Celestial Love Songs that uses the sounds as a base for compositions.

The NASA website also has recordings of each planet.